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Increase of 'Quality Time', Global Women Economic Empowerment -> Economic Growth and Stable Societies, -G20 Dialogue/Women20 Summit- 24.-26.4. Berlin 2017

G20 Dialogue / W20 summit, 25.-26.4. Berlin 2017

A 'better world '   and  hugh  GLOBAL  ECONOMIC  GROWTH  potential  IS  possible  and realistic   through  

***** Increased Women Economic Empowerment globally,
***** Major Gender Equality globally,  
***** Better Access for Women to Top Management Positions
***** Activating unused female entrepreneurial opportunities globally, also in Developing Countries,  
***** Improving women's access to finance globally,  
***** Improving  eSkills4Girls, Tech, IT and Engeneering education opportunities for Girls etc.

Major agreed W20  initiatives 2017:

1.) Increase Labour Market Inclusion
2.) Increase Financial Inclusion
3.) Increase Digital and Tech  opportunities for Girls/Women and Digital Inclusion
4.) Increase Global Inclusion and global Networking Support - all Nations - all Countries - respect diversity of countries and cultures.

5.) Updated definition of 'Feminism'  by  Queen Máxima of the Netherlands
6.) 'We all want to step forward, Men and Women together', by Anne Finucane Vice Chairwomen, Bank of America
7.) 'Idea of a Creation of a Global Women's  Fund' .. etc. (full speaches here), by Dr. Angela Merkel
8.) 'I will support the Fund, collecting money in the private Sector (German Companies for example and female Investors and Family Offices)' by Dr. Nicola Leibinger-Kammüller, CEO Trumpf GmbH&Co.KG
9.) 'In Kenia / Africa digital education, smartphones and  support of entrepreneurship offers huge business opportunities and Economic Growth potential. Please include us, African Women', by Juliana Rotich
10.) 'I am new in the role as first daughter and role as advisor to the President of the United States, so I am listening carefully and am still learning. I am very grateful Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel did invite me to participate in this G20 dialogue/W20 summit in Berlin. This kind of global meetings and discussions is fantastic and must take place much more often, discuss and respectfully disagree or agree, support and hold up each other. I very much do like the idea of the fund and the idea of Inclusion; I did and will support families, women and the eKids and Girls educational  initiatives (STEM); etc.' by Ivanka Trump
10.). 'Canada and the Unided States did establish recently - in our first meeting with President Trump - , a strong colaboration between female Entrepreneurs, an initiative of  female  American and Canadian  Business Leader to support  female Entrepreneurs and their access to financing. Even in a very developed and modern country like Canada we absolutely need to take action for more female participation in the Economy. And we need activists to realise and push this important issue, so I am very proud of all these powerfull and intelligent American and Canadian Ladies... etc. ' by Chrystia Freeland

with Dr. Angela Merkel, Queen Máxima of the Netherlands, Christine Lagarde, Anne Finucane, Juliana Rotich, Chrystia Freeland, Ivanka Trump, Dr. Nicola Leibinger-Krammüller, Manuela Schwesig, Thomas Silberhorn, Jacquelina Fuller, Dr. Basmah Omais, Sucharita Eashwar, Arancha González, Gabriela Ramos, Inez Murray, Virginia Littlejohn, Mona Küppers, Stephanie Bschorr, Juliane Rosin, Mu Hong, Melinda Gates, Dr. Alina Sorgner, Julie Teigland, Jesssica Tan Soon Neo, Angelika Huber-Strasser, Dr. Ariane Reinhart, Janina Kugel, Gülden Türktan, Sue Harris Rimmer, etc. and over 400 international and german TOP female Business and Political Leader

- Foto Gallery - by NAANII GLOBAL  fotoArts
-  Video - by the Federal Government of Germany

W20 Germany 2017 Comuniqué  --->  G20 member states
To - Do - List  

(source: W20 Germany 2017 communiqué, full wording of the Women20 communiqué )

a). systematically integrate gender analysis and gender budgeting into all its agenda, growth strategy and policy framework
b). reduce gender participation labour gap, resulting in a 25% improvement by 2025, - by putting forward national plans of action and monitoring its progress (supported by OECD and IQL)
c). G20 must support women entrepreneurs and female cooperatives to start up and scale their operations, build capacity, assure equal access to finance, accord them fair share in global value chains.
d). G20 must bridge the digital gender divide (STEM Careers) by setting up a 5 year plan for gender equal digital transformation. Information and communication technologies (ICT) have been identified as a key driver for achievement the UN Sustainable Development Goals and as the core enabling innovation area of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. ...
e) etc.

Women realising their full potential will not only stimulate sustainable economic growth globally, but also be an imperative for diverse, stable and viable societies, pillares by active and inclusive citizenships - and thus the well-being of humankind.

More information:
Fotos: Copyright K. Johanna Altmann,  all rights reserved

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