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Arts - Kunst - Arte Contemporéneo - Japan/USA: Yayoi Kusama - a message: reflections on Year 20/20 - exposition David Zwirner

Published by NAANII GLOBAL and David Zwirner comTeam in Art Fairs & Exibitions & Galleries & Artists · 12/11/2020 15:37:24
Tags: Arts;YayoiKusama;20/20;JapanUSA;DavidZwirnerexpositionOctDic2020NewYork



A painting by Yayoi Kusama, titled I WHO SLEEP IN A ILLUSION WORLD, dated 2020. Yayoi Kusama
I WHO SLEEP IN A ILLUSION WORLD, 2020. Acrylic on canvas, 39 3/8 x 39 3/8 inches, 100 x 100 cm

A reflection on the year 2020. by Yayoi Kusama marks the 20/20 exhibition opening at David Zwirner gallery NewYork/USA, of selected  artists “whose work may contain the seeds of the future we cannot yet see”.

I find it so lamentable,
The alarming, unwonted ordeal that has come upon us.
O demons of unwonted fate.
We will stand and face you.  
We will stand and face you.
Through my art I go on manifesting, with all my heart, my reverence and
love for the cosmos, the world, and all humanity.
Our aspiration for a resplendent future begins with this.
Our resplendent hope is sure to be fulfilled.

—Yayoi Kusama, 2020




Francis Alÿs, Michaël Borremans, Carol Bove, Toba Khedoori, Barbara Kruger, Shio Kusaka, Yayoi Kusama, Nate Lowman, Kerry James Marshall, Oscar Murillo, Chris Ofili, Raymond Pettibon, Neo Rauch, Dana Schutz, Richard Serra, Wolfgang Tillmans, Luc Tuymans, Andra Ursuţa, Rose Wylie, Lisa Yuskavage

David Zwirner Art Gallery
537 West 20th Street, New York

October 29—December 19, 2020

David Zwirner is pleased to present an exhibition of new work by artists from the gallery’s program at our 537 West 20th Street location in New York.

The world has never faced such uncertainty: everything from our understanding of public health and racial injustice to our geopolitical order and our social and environmental responsibilities is being challenged and rethought. 2020 may go down as the watershed year when the deck was reshuffled; and while we don’t know the future, our minds are busy speculating, anxiously rethinking and looking for a vision beyond.

Whatever that vision may be—whether it entails a rebirth or set of new beginnings—artists can help us imagine it, since the work they are doing now may contain the seeds of the future we cannot yet see.

Francis Alÿs, Michaël Borremans, Carol Bove, Toba Khedoori, Barbara Kruger, Shio Kusaka, Yayoi Kusama, Nate Lowman, Kerry James Marshall, Oscar Murillo, Chris Ofili, Raymond Pettibon, Neo Rauch, Dana Schutz, Richard Serra, Wolfgang Tillmans, Luc Tuymans, Andra Ursuţa, Rose Wylie, and Lisa Yuskavage.

Fotos: Copyright Yayoi Kusama - David Zwirner, all rights reserved

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