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Sailing I 37th America's Cup I INEOS Britannia - behind the scenes Test Boat T6, Formula 1; Toto Wolff, Mr Radcliff; Sir Ben Ainsly - Bracknel

Published by INEOS Britannia; 37th America's Cup team in Sailing, 37. Americas Cup, 2023-2024 · 24/3/2024 13:29:32
Tags: INEOSBritannia;challenge;testing;wanttowintheACforGreatbrittainFormula1;Bracknel;MercedesAMGPetronas;Radcliff;TotoWolff;SirbenAinsly

Brackley, UK INEOS Britannia -
Challengers I Ep1

The Challengers Series takes you behind the scenes with the America's Cup team ' INEOS Britannia ' in the attempt to win the America’s Cup for Great Britain

Episode 1 is all about Test Boat T6  - Dig deeper into why the team decided to build a test boat and the challenges they had to overcome during its extensive testing period.

... Formula 1 and the America S Cup  they share this common theme there's not a lot of difference between trying to put the best car on the on on the road and racing others then form one on water that is the America's Cup for our organization - that collaboration taking it to the next level - that's the sort of focus and attention that we need - this challenge is proper difficult  - yeah - test boat is a big deal for us - we really wanted to get away from specifically having to use the ac75 as a test boat because we felt we were hindered from some of the issues that we had with with rb2 and our race boat for the last cup - just completely locked out here -- why are we building a test boat we are building a test boat because we are only allowed to build one big boat and we are not really allowed to do tests on it - so it's very limited - but we are allowed to build a smaller test boat that must be shorter than 12 m --  the smaller the boat gets, the trickier it gets to control -- so ..

37th AC BCN 2024: Ladies AC, Youth AC, Male AC teams - CHAMPAGNE DAY FOR ALL THE BARCELONA-BASED TEAMS | Day Summary - 5th March 2024 | America's Cup

37th Louis Vuitton America's Cup BCN 2024: French OrientExpress Racing + British INEOS and the Youth and Puig Women AC 2024 !

Published by 37th AC BCN com Team + NG in Sailing, 37. Americas Cup, 2023-2024 · 3/1/2024 21:33:50
Tags: Sailing;INEOS;YouthAC;1everWomenAC2024;Training;Opportunities;NGsailTV;NGsailingMagazine;NaaniiGlobalsl(GmbH);KJohannaAltmann2024

37th AC Louis Vuitton, 2024: II. Pre- Regatta Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 29.11. - 2.12.2023 - First time in history the world’s top sailing teams will race on the Red Sea

Published by NAANII GLOBAL + AC com Team in Sailing, 37. Americas Cup, 2023-2024 · 7/11/2023 14:28:41
Tags: 37thACLouisVuitton;America'sCupPreRegattaJeddah2023;SaudiArabia;RedSea;AlinghiRedBullRacing

37th AC Louis Vuitton BCN 2024: Louis Vuitton becomes Title Partner and returns to organise it's ICONIC qualifying 'Louis Vuitton Cup' !

Published by NAANII GLOBAL+AC com Team in Sailing, 37. Americas Cup, 2023-2024 · 30/10/2023 17:06:29
Tags: Sailing;America'sCup37thACBCN;LouisVuittonTitelSponsor;NGsailing;NGtv;PietroBeccari;CEOLouisVuitton;BrunoTroublé
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