NAANII GLOBAL Luxury/Quality Family Lifestyle MAGAZINE 'en Vogue' - NAANII GLOBAL Quality & Luxury Family Lifestyle - MAGAZINE 'en Vogue'-

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NG wishes you: our clients, friends, fans, supporter, provider, collaborator, audience cross the globe in 180 countries: Feliz Año & una noche mágica de Reyes Magos * Happy new Year * Frohes Neues Jahr * Bonne.Année * 新年快乐 * feliz ano novo* あけまして おめでとう ございます * gott nytt år * hauoli makahiki hou * gelukkig nieuw jaar *

Published by NAANII GLOBAL in NAANII GLOBAL Corporate News · 1/1/2024 20:42:51
Tags: QualityTime;Happy2024;Felizañonuevo;BonneAnnée2024

Architecture I Design: Arboles de Navidad 2023 diseñado con IA, inspirado en GRANDES Maestros de la Arquitectura y del Diseño

Published by NAANII GLOBAL in Architecture, Real Estate, Design · 23/12/2023 21:16:40
Tags: Architecture;AI;ChristmasTreeDesign;FrankGehry;AntonioGaudi;SantiagoCalatrava;RafaelMoneo;

World Economic Forum - COP28, Dubai UAE - 12 High-Impact Business, Government and Civil Society Partnerships

Published by WorldEconomicForum com Team in Nature Matters - NG sustainable · 17/12/2023 19:54:52
Tags: COP28DubaiNatureMattersWorldEconomicForumNGnatureMatters

Segeln / Engagement NatureMatters: Boris Herrmann wird mit Bundesverdienstorden ausgezeichnet !

Published by NAANII GLOBAL+ NordDeutscher Regatta Verein in Segeln-Sailing-Vela-Voile · 15/12/2023 16:06:51
Tags: NorddeutscherRegattaVerein;NGsailMagazine;NGsailTV;Hamburg;BorisHerrmann;Segler;Bundestverdienstorden2023;Monaco;YCM;Malizia

Geschenk Idee, Idée CADEAUX, Christmas GIFTs - Quality Time - Business Empowerment - Momentos de Chimenea: Top Manager, star's y personalidades de éxito recomiendan sus libros favoritos - Inspiring ideas: Personalities, Stars and Top Manager favorite books

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