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! World Polo Tour 2018 ! CARTIER besiegt MASERATI im 34. Snow Polo World Cup auf dem St. Moritz See vor über 18.000 Zuschauern ! Team Cartier wins again the 34th Snow Polo World Cup St. Moritz 2018 !

Published by Naanii Global Team and Polo Journalists in A-List POLO Lifestyle Tournaments/Torneos · 13/2/2018 11:45:28
Tags: NaaniiGlobal'sNGPoloMagazine;WorldPoloTour2018CARTIER;St.MoritzSnowPolo2018HighGoal;Cartierwinner;RommiGianni;ChrisHyde;TeamMaserati;LaMartina;Champagne;18000spectators;TopclassEvent;Switzerland;AzerbaidjanTourismBoard;BadruttsPalaceHotel



CARTIER besiegt MASERATI im 34. Snow Polo World Cup auf dem St. Moritz See !

Team Cartier wins the 34th Snow Polo World Cup St. Moritz 2018, high goal on snow,
- WORLD POLO TOUR (worldchampionship) 2018  -  !

Team Cartier around Italian poloplayer and entreprenneur 'Rommy Gianni' took home the coveted Cartier Trophy at the Snow Polo World Cup St. Moritz 2018 repeating last year's win.
In a thrilling and fiercely fought Final, in the end, it was Team Cartier who succeeded to take the win, narrowly, to a score of 4 1/2-4 over Team Maserati, who played on a par with the defending champion.

The tournament's 34th edition clocked in at 18,500 spectators, a new record !
The crowds enjoyed six exciting matches over the course of three days, each game exhibiting polo played at its best - in its 2018 edition, the world's only high-goal polo tournament on snow lived up to its reputation once again.

In its 34th year, the Snow Polo World Cup St. Moritz once again proved to be the social and sporting highlight of the polo winter season. The spectators enjoyed excellent entertainment both on and off the field. The stands were packed on Saturday and Sunday, while the visitors in the polo village enjoyed the mix of hospitality, a touch of luxury and a sports spectacle against the spectacular backdrop of the Engadin mountains. Photographers, as well as journalists and camera teams from all corners of the world, mingled with the crowd; more than 200 members of the press signed up for accreditation - yet another record.

Moreover, thriving business put a smile on the organisers' faces - a whopping 1,400 bottles of Perrier-Jouët champagne were sold on the lake over the three days.
Thanks to the many seasoned employees, everything around the tournament was perfectly organised and ran without a hitch - the games as much as the catering, hospitality and evening events - delighting visitors, sponsors, partners and suppliers alike.  

The weather and snow conditions on all three tournament days were perfect.
Despite the challenging weather just days ahead of the event, the organisers, with the help of some 100 volunteers, were able to prepare an impeccably groomed field.

"The local helpers have outdone themselves to make this happen, especially in the final two weeks before the tournament," says a delighted Reto Gaudenzi, founder and CEO of the tournament. "They worked literally around the clock to make sure the players and their polo ponies find perfect conditions. Their work has greatly contributed to making this a first-­rate event."

Two qualification games kicked off the Snow Polo World Cup St. Moritz on Friday 26 January. An evenly balanced Team Cartier won the first match against Team Badrutt's Palace with a commanding 5-­2, taking home the Winston Cup.

The second game, on the other hand, was a tighter call. In the end, Team Maserati won the Carlton Hotel Challenge with a narrow win of 2-­1 1/2 against the novices at the Snow Polo World Cup St. Moritz, Team Azerbaijan Land of Fire, who showed an excellent play.

Saturday's first game, with the Maserati Cup at stake, turned out to be the encounter of what would be Sunday's finalists, Teams Cartier and Maserati, with Team Cartier winning the thrilling game narrowly with 3 1/2-­2. Playing fearlessly, Team Azerbaijan Land of Fire came out victorious in the second game of the day, winning the Deutsche Bank Wealth Management Challenge with an overwhelming 9-­4 against Team Badrutt's Palace.

After four high-­class games played under bright blue skies, the bell rang for the tournament's social highlight. On the "Baku Moritz Night", the polo family and the four teams congregated in the packed ballroom of the Badrutt's Palace Hotel and later continued the party until the early hours of the morning at the hotel's own King's Club.

The "Baku Moritz Polo Award", recognising outstanding achievements in polo, was awarded at the gala night for the first time.
The winners of the prize in 2018 were, for one, Maria Lia and Luis Garrahan, publishers and editors of Polo International, the long-­time undisputed leading specialist polo magazine in the world, as well as Dr Adrian Laplacette for his outstanding achievements in the field of polo both in Switzerland and in Azerbaijan.

The committee that decided on the recipients of the award consists of:
Reto Gaudenzi, Vice-­chairman and CEO of Evviva Polo St. Moritz Ltd, Elchin Guliyev, President of ARAF, the equestrian federation of Azerbaijan, Dr Piero Dillier, Vice-­president of FIP, the world governing body of polo, Birgit Hügli-­Hermann, owner and publisher of Polo & Luxury magazine and the person who gave the impetus for the award, as well as Yves Gardiol, CEO of Badrutt’s Palace Hotel.

Thrilling matches and plenty of sunshine on Sunday ! Sunday noon saw Team Badrutt's Palace defeated in the La Martina Cup, the subsidiary Final, losing against an outstanding Team Azerbaijan The Land of Fire -­ the team who made their debut on snow turning out the be the tournament's surprise package.

The two finalists, Team Cartier and Team Maserati, hadn't kept their keen ambitions to the title a secret in the previous games. So, it came as no surprise to anyone following the game that the Cartier Trophy was more fiercely fought than ever. In the end, Team Cartier managed to take the win in extremis.

It is the third consecutive win for Captain, Rommy Gianni and a legendary seventh win for his teammate, ‘The Prof’ himself, Chris Hyde.

Dario Musso
most valuable player ! As the tournament came to a close after the Final on Sunday, 18,500 spectators had enjoyed superbly well-­played polo as well as St. Moritz's legendary hospitality. Applauded by a delighted audience, Team Cartier's Dario Musso was named Most Valuable Player -­ who also took home the trophy for the Best Playing Pony.
The accolade of the Best Playing Patron, witha prize sponsored by Deutsche Bank Wealth Management, was also awarded to tournament winner Rommy Gianni !

All results, 4 Teams - all matches, 34th Snow Polo World Cup, High Goal, St. Moritz, 2018 :

Friday, Freitag 26 January 2018

The Winston Cup
Cartier vs Badrutt’s Palace Hotel : ........................................5–2

The Carlton Hotel Challenge
Maserati vs Azerbaijan Land of Fire: .................................... 2–1½

Saturday, Samstag 27 January 2018
Maserati Cup
Cartier vs Maserati:: ............................................................. 3½–2

Deutsche Bank Wealth
Azerbaijan Land of Fire vs Badrutt’s Palace Hotel: ............... 9–4

Sunday, Sonntag, 28. Januar 2018
La Martina Cup
Azerbaijan Land of Fire vs Badrutt’s Palace Hotel: ............... 5–4

Cartier vs Maserati: .............................................................. 4½–4

!!  The date for the next tournament  35º Snow Polo World Cup 2019 has been set !! :
!! 25-27 January 2019 - safe the date  !!

Sponsors and Partner and Supporter / Sponsoren und Partner des Snow Polo World Cup St. Moritz 2018

Team Sponsoren:
Cartier, Maserati, Badrutt’s Palace Hotel und Azerbaijan Land of Fire

Global Lead Partner:

Deutsche Bank Wealth Management

Offizieller Ausrüster:

La Martina

Trophy Sponsoren:
Cartier, La Martina, Maserati, Deutsche Bank Wealth Management

Offizielle Hotels:

Badrutt’s Palace Hotel, Kulm Hotel St. Moritz, Kempinski Grand Hôtel
des Bains, Carlton Hotel, Suvretta House, Crystal Hotel, Steffani Hotel,
Hotel Corvatsch, Hotel Laudinella, Hotel Sonne

Offizielles Partner-­ Hotel:  
Schweizerhof Hotel Zürich

Maura Wasescha, AXA ART, HATO, NETJETS, Pernod Ricard Swiss,
Prora Solitaire, Slupinski-­Furs, UBV Lanz AG, JET Aviation, SBS Swiss
Business School, Sprüngli, Azerbaijan Land of Fire, Heineken, Trois
Pommes, Florens Resort & Suites, Chesa Veglia/Polo Bar, CHECHA
Restaurant & Club

VIP Catering:
Badrutt’s Palace Hotel

Offizielle Lieferanten:
Perrier-­Jouët, Cecchetto, Sprüngli, Heineken, Cigar Must, Cochi, Zwyer
Caviar, Bogle White Caviar, Movirlavida

Finass, Castle Premier Services

Maura Wasescha, Azerbaijan Land of Fire, La Martina, JET Aviation, Casino St. Moritz, NETJETS, Ender Sport St. Moritz, IQOS, NB Noble & Brulée, Florens Resort & Suites, artis, Bogle White Caviar

Badrutt’s Palace Hotel & lokale Partner

Engadin St. Moritz, Klinik Gut, Gemeinde St. Moritz, Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz, St. Moritz Tourismus, Ski Service Corvatsch, O. Christoffel AG, Blasto

Official Affiliated:
Polo Park & Country Club Zürich Club

Media Partner: Polo +10, The Polo Magazine, Polo Quarterly, Polo International,
Prestige Magazin, Naanii Global Luxury Family Lifestyle -Magazin 'en Vogue'- , Le Mag, Polo Times, Polo Luxury & Country Life Magazine, La Bocha, good style mag, Swiss Health Magazine, L’Officiel, SMAC, ClassHorseTV, ENJOY ST. MORITZ

Foto: Copyright Snow Polo St Moritz, all rights reserved
Details/Dates: 'World Polo Tour 2018' and 'Women World Polo Tour 2018' at World Polo Calendar

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