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Influence - Klout score rising up to 75 - NAANII GLOBAL founder and CEO K. Johanna Altmann. Top 1% .. she pretty much s ROCKING the global social media world with regards to its influence

Published by in NAANII GLOBAL Corporate News · 6/11/2016 11:25:22
Tags: Kloutscore;KJohannaAltmann;CEONaaniiGlobaldigitalMagazin;makeanimpact;qualityfamilylifestyle

- Digital impact - Social Media influence - INFLUENCER Marketing -

A reference of digital  impact and influence: THE KLOUT SCORE
The Klout Score is a number between 1-100 that represents your influence.
The more influential you are, the higher your Klout Score.
It’s a measure of the overall on-line (social media and webs) influence of a person and/or brand.

'It’s generally considered that folks with Klout Scores 50+ are pretty much rocking the social media world with regard to engagement and influence.
Users with a score of 63 are in the top 5% of all users.
Users with 70+ are in the top 1%.
'Influence is the ability to drive action and lead people, make an impact'.*

K. Johanna Altmann:  
Founder & CEO,  NAANII GLOBAL digital -Magazin 'en Vogue'-
Klout score, nov. 2016 :  75 points.

NAANII GLOBAL and K. Johanna Altmann  - as Chief editor - publishes an average of 15 articles per month, in up to four languages, in the digital global world.
(Linkedin, Facebook, Webs www.naanii.es and www.naaniiglobal.com  and other social media sites and webs).
She reaches 2016 about 180 countries and a readership of about 15 million people around the world.

Top 5 factors  NAANII GLOBAL / K. Johanna Altmann considers to increase impact of publications and communications

* quality content, exclusive content, innovative and surprising content
* 'out of the box' thinking
* quality readership and network
* strategic alliances around the world with prime brands and customers
* strong economic background and focused strategic vision

Picture and Score:  Source: Klout; https://klout.com/corp/score, nov.2016

* Source: Google Partner J. Lane : 'what is clout score'  

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Naanii Global's NG Polo Magazine 'enVogue'
360ºcross platforms: LINKEDIN, WiKIPEDIA, FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM , TikTok, Youtube and TWITTER publications NAANII GLOBAL ¨enVogue¨

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