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Architecture I Design: Norman Foster and Partner - OUTSTANDING - the Yacht Club de Monaco Clubhouse ! 10th anniversary 2024 !

Published by YCM com team; Norman Foster com team; NG com team in Architecture, Real Estate, Design · 4/2/2024 17:14:27
Tags: english;ICONICNormanFoster;MonacoYachtClubClubhouseconstruction2014;Bernardd'AlessandriGM;Design;Soustainable;Architecture;NatureMatters;

Architecture I Design:  Norman Foster and Partner - OUTSTANDING - the  Yacht Club de Monaco Clubhouse !  10th anniversary 2024 !

Monaco Yacht Club - The Clubhouse:
A "Free Spirit" building designed by Lord Foster

At 43°44’15’’ N and 7°25’40’’ E, this hi-tech building which looks like a liner docked on Quai Louis II is home to two of the Principality’s historic clubs:
the Societé Nautique (rowing club) and the Yacht Club, a meeting point for owners and focus of international yachting activities. Alongside Lord Foster and Monegasque architect Alexandre Giraldi, Jacques Grange and Nelson Wilmotte have put their talents to the service of the new building’s interior and exterior layout and design.

An eco-responsible approach
This emblematic building has been designed in response to the local climate and sets high standards in sustainable design that complies with HQE standards. A passive design, the structure balances shade and natural light and the glass facades can be opened for natural ventilation.

Photovoltaic cells, solar thermal panels and sea water cooling systems take advantage of the sun and waterfront site. LED low energy lighting, state of the art systems to manage energy use, waste and water, and points to recharge electric-powered cars have been integrated into the design.

Account has been taken of the life-time sustainability of the building, a factor behind the choice of local materials such as the use of European oak on the terraces, isolation panels and recycled aggregates for the foundations, as well as employing local companies. The Green Building approach also aims to minimise the impact of building works on the neighbours.

The Yacht Club de Monaco is the symbolic centrepiece of Monaco’s remodelled harbour front.

Celebrating the principality’s spectacular coastline and its nautical heritage, its series of deck-like terraces that step up along the harbour to offer unrivalled views out to races at sea, or inland over the course of the renowned Formula 1 Grand Prix circuit.

The building is located on an area of reclaimed land, which extends the city’s existing marina eastwards and can accommodate a range of craft, from sailing boats to 100-metre super yachts.

The club is entered via a glazed atrium that frames views out over the harbour to the palace. On the first floor are a clubroom, bar and restaurant.
Above is a double-height function space, and above that an apartment for the club secretary and a series of ‘cabins’ for visiting guests.
The uppermost floors accommodate a range of event spaces.
The observation decks are shaded by retractable fabric screens supported by a mast and booms.
The harbour elevations are fully glazed and shaded by louvres, and can be opened up to provide uninterrupted views.
Photovoltaic cells, solar thermal panels and sea-water cooling systems have all been integrated to ensure the building sets new sustainability standards.

The scheme also introduces shops and other amenities at quay level to animate the harbour. The lower floors accommodate a rowing club and sailing school, whose sliding doors encourage activities to spread out on to the quayside.
Designed largely for children, the school provides classrooms, workshops and lofts for small boats.
Inland, there is a landscaped park on the roof of the sailing school and nautical society. Bounded on one side by the club’s restaurant terrace and leading on the other side to a new exhibition hall, it complements the sequence of green spaces in this densely populated city and forms a new link in the pedestrian route between the quayside and Casino Square.

ISO 14001 NORM
A commitment for the planet!

In an ongoing quest to seek solutions to the environmental problems of our time, since 1st January 2018, the YCM has been committed to ensuring the electricity it uses comes from renewable energy sources. The initiative follows various actions already taken which include achieving ISO 14001 certification in June 2016, a management system giving the Club eco-responsible organisation status.

It is this spirit which drives the YCM’s sustainable policy, the aim being to guarantee the needs of present generations while preserving resources for future generations. This commitment to the environment determines key objectives of the environmental management system, namely to accelerate our progress on waste management, prevention and control of pollution risks, preservation of natural resources and implementation of a sustainable purchasing policy.

YCM building celebrates it's 10th anniversary 2024
and   crosses one million litres of water treated milestone on Thursday 25th January 2024.
As part of its CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policy, Yacht Club de Monaco has a number of initiatives underway such as recycling water from its swimming pool using innovative technology developed by FGWRS.
On the 25.1.2024 a first milestone was reached as it passed the one million litres of water treated mark, equivalent to half an Olympic pool.
It’s further proof of the success of its environmental policy that aims to get all those using the Club to think about the impact their choices have on the environment and take actions to reduce it. Every drop saved, recycled and conserved contributes to a future where this symbol of life remains abundant and accessible for future generations.



Facts and Figures:
Appointment Year 2003
Completion Year 2014
Area 9,000 m2

Annamaria Anderloni
David Summerfield
Patrick Campbell
David Nelson
Nigel Dancey

Quantity Surveyor: Artelia Group
Structural Engineer: OGER International
Lighting Engineer: Claude Engle
Collaborating Architect: Cabinet Alexandre Giraldi

Fotos: Copyright NormanFoster and Partners, + YCM  all rights reserved

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