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ARTs - KUNST - de l`ART: Danh Vo, one of world's most talked contemporary Artists: first solo exhibition: Japan, The National Museum of Art, Osaka, June2nd - Oct 2020

Published by Naanii Global Team & Galerie CROUSEL com Team in Art Fairs & Exibitions & Galleries & Artists · 3/6/2020 15:04:35
Tags: OneofworldsmosttalkedContemporaryArtistsDanhVo;Japan;GalerieCROUSELParis;NationalMuseumofArtOSAKAJapan

Solo Exhibition DANH VO, The National Museum of Art, Osaka, Japan
-  June 2 — October 11, 2020.

This long-awaited first solo exhibition at a Japanese art museum presents a comprehensive picture of Danh Vo, one of the worldʼs most talked-about contemporary artists.
The exhibition features approximately forty pieces including new and recent ones, among them a collaborative project with the family of the late US Defense Secretary Robert McNamara, one of the major architects of the Vietnam War. Viewers can enjoy full immersion in the unique world Vo creates with his unparalleled capacity for selection and juxtaposition of objects.

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