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Sport & Style - Polo España - IV. Abierto de Madrid, Copa Volvo 2018: Ganador 13 vs. 8 el Equipo argentino 'Cibao de la Pampa' !

Published by Naanii Global Team and Polo Journalists in A-List POLO Lifestyle Tournaments/Torneos · 25/6/2018 15:09:38
Tags: TopPoloTournamentsMadridCopadelReyCopaVolvoAbiertodemadrid2018CibaolaPampaAyalaPoloteamMarquesdeRiscalBentleyLuxuryFamiliaDeporteOcioCalidadVIPLounge

F1 race#8: Pirelli Grand Prix de France 2018 ! Qualifying 23.6. Pole position Lewis Hamilton !

Published by NAANII GLOBAL and F1 Team Journalists in Motorsport 2013-2018 Formula 1, etc · 23/6/2018 18:46:56
Tags: GPFrance2018PolePositionLewisHamilton

Polo, SMPC Sotogrande España: El equipo Ayala, campeón del XV Memorial Conde de la Maza en el Santa María Polo Club ! Enhorabuena !

Published by Naanii Global Team and SMPC Journalists in A-List POLO Lifestyle Tournaments/Torneos · 18/6/2018 15:51:07
Tags: PoloEspaña;SMPC;Sotogrande;EquipoAyala;MediumGoal;Winner;IñigoZobel;DosLunas;

Vela / Sailing / 136th Kieler Woche 2018: 40 nations + 3 mio visitors + 4.000 regatta participants; Die grösste Regatta der Welt 16-24.6.2018 - Kiel - Schleswig Holstein/Ostsee !

Published by Naanii Global Team + Sail journalists Kieler Woche in Segeln-Sailing-Vela-Voile · 14/6/2018 14:45:53
Tags: KielerWoche2018VelaBiggestSailingregattaoftheWorld;

F1, race#7, GP Canada 2018: Congratulations Sebastian Vettel- Scudería Ferrari, Winner and Championship Leader --> next stop La belle FRANCE !

Published by NAANII GLOBAL and F1 Team Journalists in Motorsport 2013-2018 Formula 1, etc · 13/6/2018 15:31:08
Tags: F1GPCanadaSebastianVettel;#1;ScuderiaFerrari
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