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NAANII GLOBAL - International Management Consulting - ! new Corporate LOGO !

Published by Naanii Global Team in NAANII GLOBAL Corporate News · 2/4/2017 19:36:47
Tags: NaaniiGlobalInternationalManagementConsulting

Influence - Klout score rising up to 75 - NAANII GLOBAL founder and CEO K. Johanna Altmann. Top 1% .. she pretty much s ROCKING the global social media world with regards to its influence

Published by in NAANII GLOBAL Corporate News · 6/11/2016 11:25:22
Tags: Kloutscore;KJohannaAltmann;CEONaaniiGlobaldigitalMagazin;makeanimpact;qualityfamilylifestyle

Naanii Global articles at WIKIPEDIA: - global page rank 6 - 430 mio unique visitors/month

FRIEZE London Art Fair - 06.- 09.10.2016 - the place to be - !

GOLF: Junior Ryder Cup, US Team wins the tenth edition 2016 !

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