Polo: XII FIP European Polo Championship 2018: congratulations - enhorabuena - Glückwunsch ITALY ! - NAANII GLOBAL Luxury/Quality Family Lifestyle MAGAZINE 'en Vogue' - NAANII GLOBAL Quality & Luxury Family Lifestyle - MAGAZINE 'en Vogue'-

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Polo: XII FIP European Polo Championship 2018: congratulations - enhorabuena - Glückwunsch ITALY !

Published by Naanii Global Team in A-List POLO Lifestyle Tournaments/Torneos · 30/9/2018 22:12:21
Tags: XIIFIPEuropeanPoloChampionship2018;ItalyGoldmedall;AzerbaidjanSilverMedall;TeamSpain;España;Germany;NaaniiGlobalPolo&FamilyLifestyleMediaPartner




Thirteen years after winning the championship in 2005 in Amsterdam, Italy has won back the title in the 12th FIP European Polo Championship–Quantocoin Cup that came to an end today at the Villa a Sesta Polo Club (Ripaltella - Bucine/Arezzo) today.

In the final match for the gold medal, the Italian team, which included Gualtiero Giori (captain), Nicolas Lopes Fuentes and brothers Tomas and Martin Joaquin, soundly defeated the Azerbaijan Polo Team 8 – 4 !

Italy’s victory  took a 3-0 lead in the first chukka, with coach Eduardo Menendez’ team increasing its lead guaranteeing victory in the third of the four chukkas played.

Nicolas Lopes Fuentes was the real hero in the match scoring six goals. The other Italian goals were scored by brothers Tomas and Martin Joaquin.

The Azerbaijan Polo Team, a team that made its European Championship debut and was the great surprise in Villa a Sesta, fought bravely, too !
The skills shown by the ‘Land of Fire’ team in the four qualifying matches, however, showed their significant technical progress and competitiveness. The Azeris will have an exciting chance to get their own back in two years time at the next XIII. FIP European Polo Championships that will be played in 2020 in Azerbaijan.

In 12th FIP European Polo Championship the bronze medal went to the Polo Team from Ireland after beating Germany by only 5.5 - 5   in the final for third and fourth place.
Fifth place for Spain:  -  having won the matches against Switzerland and Austria and lost two matches against the European champion Italy and lost a final fight against the strong German Team  5 vs. 7.

A total of 10 European teams qualified for the XII. FIP European Polo Championship 2018, playing in two groups:

Group A: Azerbaijan, Ireland, The Netherland, France and Slovakia
Group B: Italy,  Germany, Spain, Austria, Switzerland



Facts & Numbers

* 350 polo ponies in the championship

* 10 teams, 8 goal handicap playing in the XII. FIP European Polo Championship - Quantocoin Cup
***** Group A: 2.Azerbaijan, 3.Ireland, The Netherland, France and Slovakia
***** Group B: 1.Italy,  4.Germany,  Spain, Austria, Switzerland

* 4 teams in the II. FIP Ladies European Polo Championship
1.Germany, 2. Italy, 3. The Netherlands, 4. France,

* 10 days of matches (20.-30.9.2018)
*  30 matches played, info & results WWW.EUROPEANPOLOCHAMPIONSHIP.COM

* The next XIII. FIP European Polo Championships will be played in 2020 in Azerbaijan

VAS - Polo Club Villa Sesta,
created in 2000, the Polo Club Villa a Sesta is one of the best polo clubs in Europe. From the very beginning every phase of its construction was planned and implemented paying meticulous attention to technical aspects, environmental impact and the wellbeing of the players and the ponies.
The VAS has three international standard polo fields (all in Tifton grass) and a practice field, all state of the art as far as technical levels and facilities are concerned. The main field no. 1 measures 260 x 140 metres, the no. 2 field measures 245 x 120 metres and the new “Sorleone” field measures 276 x 150 metres, while the practice field measures 120 x 70 metres.
Inaugurated in 2017, the “Sorleone” field is not only the largest in Italy, but is close to a small lake surrounded by vegetation, the ideal location for organising social events or relaxing after a match.
A travertine marble grandstand overlooking field no. 1 and a covered and well-equipped reception area, measuring over 100 square metres with an elegant lounge bar half way down the side of the field, make the Villa a Sesta Polo Club an ideal and unique setting for international matches. The most important event hosted so far has been the European Play Off for the 2011 World Championships. On that occasion Villa a Sesta’s candidature was preferred over those of Great Britain and Spain.

Azienda Agricola Tattoni Villa a Sesta Spa is located in the enchanting setting of the Siena hills, in the heart of Chianti Superiore between Siena, Florence and Arezzo. It is spread over lands of ancient Etruscan origin, near the Ombrone Senese springs, and is an ancient and picturesque village on Chianti’s provincial road between San Gusmè and Brolio Castle, in the municipality of Castelnuovo Berardenga (Siena). This estate, which boasts state of the art equipment and significant agricultural production, follows the most ancient Tuscan traditions in wine and olive growing, sectors linked to ancient local customs. The property extends over more than 1,100 hectares of which 55 are reserved for a specialised vineyard.

Federation of International Polo - FIP
founded in 1982 with headquarters in Buenos Aires, promotes the organisation and dissemination of polo in the world. Through the work done by national federations, it ensures that rules are respected in all countries in which polo is played, it organises official events such as the European and World Championships as well as sponsoring courses and clinics to encourage the young to approach this sport in a spirit of sporting honesty, friendship, safety and fair play.

Italian Federation Equestrian Sports - FISE
founded in 1926, recognised by the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI) and a member of the International Equestrian Federation (FEI) as well as the FIP, is responsible for all equestrian sports, including training and competitions as well as recreational and educational activities. As the most ancient equestrian sport, polo is part of this vast range of activities. The Polo Department was founded in 2005.

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