NAANII GLOBAL Luxury/Quality Family Lifestyle MAGAZINE 'en Vogue' - NAANII GLOBAL Quality & Luxury Family Lifestyle - MAGAZINE 'en Vogue'-

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FIA Formula-E, covid-19 alarm: 1. ABB Formula E race at Home Challenge, test race dominated by BMW i ANDRETTI Motorsport !

Published by NAANII GLOBAL and FormulaE Team Journalists in Motorsport 2020, F1, Fe, LeMans 24h,.. · 18/4/2020 19:21:49
Tags: FormulaE;FIA;HomeRace;BMWAndrettileadingtests;COVID19alarm;2020

Showjumping, Covid-19 situation: time of uncertainty; the CSI 5* GCL and LGCT is postponing a number of events 2020, new dates will be communicated asap

Published by Naanii Global Team & LGCT com Team in Show Jumping - Springreiten - Equestrian · 16/4/2020 13:07:13
Tags: eventspostponed;TimeofUncertainty;GlobalChampionsLeague2020;Springreiten;Saltos;Showjumping

Frohe Ostern ! Felices Pascuas ! Happy Eastern ! - animo - Mut - Hoffnung - Hope - Trust - Love - Intelligent Solutions - Gesundheit - Salut - Safety - BusinessEmpowerment - MotherNatureMatters - QualityTime -

F1: COVID-19 crisis: 7 UK-based F1 teams united around ‘Project Pitlane’ to assist with Breathing Aid development & production

Published by NAANII GLOBAL and F1 Team Journalists in Motorsport 2020, F1, Fe, LeMans 24h,.. · 1/4/2020 11:51:12
Tags: F1supportCOVID19innovation;technologyspeedengeniering7UKbasedF1TeamsbuildBreathingAids

Deluxe Travel - turismo sostenible - QualityTime: ITB Berlin canceled, Virtual solutions & Conferences, COVID-19 safety #stayAtHome #dream&OrganizeNowTravelLater

Published by Naanii Global Team in Reisen-Travel-Viajes-Voyages · 15/3/2020 19:53:01
Tags: ITBBerlincanceled;Virtual;Konferenz;#BleibZuHause;digitalSolutions;COVID19;Confinamiento;Ausgangssperre
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