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Polo: XII FIP European Polo Championship 2018: congratulations - enhorabuena - Glückwunsch ITALY !

Published by Naanii Global Team in A-List POLO Lifestyle Tournaments/Torneos · 30/9/2018 22:12:21
Tags: XIIFIPEuropeanPoloChampionship2018;ItalyGoldmedall;AzerbaidjanSilverMedall;TeamSpain;España;Germany;NaaniiGlobalPolo&FamilyLifestyleMediaPartner

Corporate - Partnerships/Friends - POLO - Naanii Global appointed new oficial Media Partner by the XII. FIP European Polo Championship + II. FIP Ladies European Polo Championship 20.-30.9.2018 ITALY, Villa a Sesta Polo Club and FIP organising comite !

Published by Naanii Global Team in NAANII GLOBAL Corporate News · 19/9/2018 18:30:45
Tags: RealFederaciónEspañoladePolo;FIPFederacionInternationaldePolo;VaSVilaaSestaPoloClub;Mediapartner;NaaniiGlobalPolo&FamilyLifestyleMagazin'enVogue'

Showjumping - saltos - Springreiten: 2 jinetes del equipo 'Madrid in Motion' calificados / participan en el mundial EEUU 10.-23.09. y CSI 5* GCT Roma

Published by Naanii Global Team in Show Jumping - Springreiten - Equestrian · 9/9/2018 12:26:29
Tags: Showjumping;CSI5*;25worldbest;EduardoAlvarezAznar;MarquesdeRiscal;GlobalChampionsTourROMA;etc.

Saltos CSI5* Valkenswaard: Brilliant performance showed by spanish rider Eduardo Alvarez Aznar and Team 'Madrid in Motion' ! Triunfos del jinete español Eduardo Álvarez Aznar en el LGCT y del equipo ‘Madrid in Motion’

Published by Naanii Global Team in Show Jumping - Springreiten - Equestrian · 13/8/2018 16:05:38
Tags: CSI5*ShowjumpingsaltoshípicaTopClassGlobalChampionsTourMarquesdeRiscalVinoPremiumBrandsLonginesValkenswaard;TopsArena;Holanda;EduardoAlvarezAznar;EquipoMadridinMotion

Showjumping, Team Competition Global Champions League 5.-7.7. Paris, Champ de Mars: - excellent result for team 'Madrid in Motion' - Medalla de PLATA : Eduardo Alvarez Aznar y Marc Houtzager !

Published by Naanii Global Team in Show Jumping - Springreiten - Equestrian · 7/7/2018 21:58:39
Tags: SilverMedallMedalladePlataEduardoAlvarezAznaryMarcHoutzagerTeamMadridinMotion;Showjumping;GlobalChampionsTour;MarquesdeRiscal
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