Best Polo in the world: La DOLFINA beats ELLERSTINA, WINs the 2015 Triple Crown and makes HISTORY with three Triple Crows in a row ! (2013+2014+2015) - NAANII GLOBAL Luxury/Quality Family Lifestyle MAGAZINE 'en Vogue' - NAANII GLOBAL Quality & Luxury Family Lifestyle - MAGAZINE 'en Vogue'-

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Best Polo in the world: La DOLFINA beats ELLERSTINA, WINs the 2015 Triple Crown and makes HISTORY with three Triple Crows in a row ! (2013+2014+2015)

POLO Argentine:  -  122 Campeonato Abierto de Polo Argentino 2015 -  Best POLO in the World:

CONGRATULATIONS  Adolfo Cambiaso ! Pelon Stirling ! Pablo MacDonough ! and Juan  Martin Nero !  & whole La Dolfina Polo Team, friends and supporters !

Amazing victory !  Yesterday, afternoon,  12.12. 2015  - La Dolfina POLO Team (Adolfo Cambiaso, Pelon Stirling, Pablo MacDonough and Juan Martin Nero) defeated Ellerstina POLO Team (Polito Pieres, Nico Pieres, Gonzalito Pieres and Facundo Pieres) with a very close  13-12 ,  before an enthusiastic crowd at Palermo 'La Catedral'  Buenos Aires in South America. The win clinched the 2015 Triple Crown for La Dolfina and gave them an unprecedented three Triple Crowns in a row (2013, 2014, 2015).

Foto: Copyright 122 Campeonato Abierto de Polo Argentina, all rights reserved.

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