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POLO - UK high goal season: Guards PoloClub, Cartier Queens Cup semifinals 12.6. and finals 16.6. this week !

Published by Naanii Global Team and Guards Polo Club journalists in A-List POLO Lifestyle Tournaments/Torneos · 11/6/2019 09:06:28
Tags: GuardsPoloClub;CartierQueensCup2019;Semifinals;Finals;UK;Highgoal;LaIndiana;KingPower;Pieres;Cambiaso;



Cartier Queen's Cup - One of the world's most prestigious polo tournaments, featuring the sport's finest high-goal players and their impressive strings of ponies.

Three weeks of 22-goal polo culminates in a stunning final this week, historically played in the presence of HM The Queen.

This royal monarch first presented this trophy to the Club in 1960 and it as acquired an impressive alumni over the subsequent 59 years.

The list is headed by HRH Prince Charles, who won the trophy in 1986 with Daniel Wildenstein's Les Diables Bleu team. His father, the Club's President, HRH Prince Philip reached the final twice (1964 and 1966). The World's Number One Player, Adolfo Cambiaso, holds the record for the most victories, 10 and may well add to that tally. .
Cartier has sponsored this tournament since 2012 and brings to finals day an unrivalled touch of glamour and elegance.

The opportunity to dine in the Cartier marquee is always a coveted and treasured invitation,

Of course, as the Cartier Queen's Cup is such a prestigious tournament Guards Polo Club opens its doors to non-members to purchase grandstand seats, allocated parking and Clubhouse hospitality packages on both the semi-finals (Wednesday 12 June) and the final itself (Sunday 16 June).

These can be purchased via their website or by calling their Ticket Office on +44 (0)1784 434 212

The Cartier Queen's Cup Clubhouse Hospitality packages are:
Cartier Queen's Cup Semi-Finals
- Wednesday 12 June - :

New for 2019 - Laurent-Perrier Champagne Reception
Three-course lunch, Half a bottle of wine per person, Hildon Water, tea & coffee, Grandstand seat, Allocated parking

Cartier Queen's Cup Finals
- Sunday 16 June - :
Laurent-Perrier Champagne Reception, Three-course lunch, Half a bottle of wine per person, Hildon Water, Afternoon Tea, Grandstand seat, Allocated parking


The Cartier Queen’s Cup Semi Final Teams - 12.06.2019:

Scone Polo (22):
James Harper (6), James Beim (7), Nico Pieres (9) & David Paradice (0)
King Power (22):
Top Srivaddhanaprabha (0), Polito Pieres (9), Marco Di Paola (7) & Juan Martín Zubía (6)

La Indiana (22):
Dillon Bacon (1), Jimbo Fewster (3), Rodrigo Andrade (8) & Facundo Pieres (10)
Park Place (22):
Andrey Borodin (0), Benjamin Urquiza (5), Juan Britos (7) & Hilario Ulloa (10)

all 12 Teams

Foto: copyright Guards Polo Club, all rights reserved

Guards Polo Club, UK: Cartier Queen's Cup 2018 22.05.- 17.06.2018

Published by Naanii Global Team and Event Organization in A-List POLO Lifestyle Tournaments/Torneos · 22/5/2018 08:46:05
Tags: CartierQueensCup2018;22goalHighGoalUKPoloSeason;
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