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FIA F1 2023: 2023 WorldChampion Verstappen's three best wins from his record-breaking season !

Published by NAANII GLOBAL+F1 com team in Motorsport 2023, F1, Fe, LeMans 24h,.. · 30/11/2023 21:17:01
Tags: FIA;F1;season2023;Verstappen;NGf1Magazine;NGf1TV;NGenVogueMagazine;RecordbreackingSeason;Bestraces

Red Bull driver Max Verstappen has chosen the highlights from his remarkable season at the wheel of the RB19, listing three races out of the 19 he won that rank above the rest.

Verstappen made the top step of the podium at all bar three Grands Prix in 2023, as he and the Milton Keynes team reached a new level of dominance en route to a third successive drivers’ title and second straight constructors’ crown.

‘Emotional’ Verstappen praises Red Bull for ‘incredible season’ after scoring 19th win of the year in Abu Dhabi 2023

Reflecting on the best victories of the lot during the season-ending Abu Dhabi Grand Prix weekend, Verstappen said: “I think the comeback race in Miami was great, that was an important one.

Winning at home at Zandvoort was a very nice one, and I think winning at Suzuka, Japan, after the tough weekend we had in Singapore.”

Verstappen won all bar three races in a 2023 season full of new records
Amid this success and level of dominance, Verstappen was also asked how challenging it is to stay motivated and hungry to bag more accolades.

“I love driving, I think that’s – first and foremost – the most important thing to be here,” he commented. “And, of course, winning is the best thing in F1.

Verstappen becomes first driver in history to lead 1,000 laps in a season

“For me, naturally, the motivation is there, because I know that for most of the races that I go to this year, I have a big chance of winning, so that’s great.

“I think it’s tougher when you have been in that position and then you come to a race where it’s not possible anymore, then it’s hard, or harder, to find your motivation. You need to try and look into different places, how you can keep that motivation going.

“But at the moment, of course, when you’re on the top, I think it's probably easier than when you’re in the middle of the pack.”

Alongside his 19 race wins, Verstappen ended the year with 21 podium finishes, 12 pole positions, nine fastest laps and a grand total of 575 points – 290 clear of team mate and nearest rival Sergio Perez.

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Published by NAANII GLOBAL & F1 com Teams in Motorsport 2023, F1, Fe, LeMans 24h,.. · 29/11/2023 18:36:17
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