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XII FIP European Polo Championship, 10 european nations -
The XII FIP European Polo Championship Quantocoin Cup , Italy organized today for the 10 participating teams, a parade through the street of Arezzo’s historical centre all the way to Piazza Grande in the city that is the provincial capital of the Villa a Sesta Polo Club.
Applauded all along the way, they spent a long time in the historical square after lining up to salute the crowds, attracting the attention of passers-
This parade only marks the beginning of the championship’s side-
On Wednesday, many of those involved in this championship (over 80 people, including players, coaches, managers and organisers) will travel to Rome to attend a papal audience in Piazza San Pietro. The polo world consists mainly of Argentineans and this chance to attend an audience with Pope Francis has been welcomed with great enthusiasm.
Additional, on the 28 of Septembre the VIP village will open its doors and several further side events, dinner and cocktails are organized by Sponsors partners and the organising comité.
Results Polo matches 22.09.2018: -
The Spanish Team, as well as Italy, Ireland and Azerbaidjan ! Congratulations !
Spain -
Italy -
Azerbaidjan -
Irland -
La formazione italiana (agli ordini del capitano Gualtiero Giori stanno giocando gli italo-
La massima attenzione è però per il prossimo match di martedì 25. Come conferma il coach del team Italia Eduardo Menendez. “E’ vero che ogni partita vede medesimo impegno e attenzione sempre altissima ma l’Austria non era un avversario pericoloso. Oggi abbiamo avuto vita facile in campo come chiaramente dimostra il risultato. Non altrettanto si può ipotizzare per quel che riguarda invece il prossimo match. Potrebbe essere quella la partita decisiva per l’ammissione alla finale".
Il secondo successo dell’Azerbaigian contro la Francia, vice campione in carica (8-
L’Irlanda, campione uscente, ha vinto contro l’Olanda (7-
Nell’ultimo match della giornata la Spagna ha infine prevalso sulla Svizzera (9–7 ½).
Italy vs. Austria 10-
Spain vs. Switzerland 9-
Team Spain -
Netherlands vs Irland 7 -
FOTO Gallery: Naanii Global fotoARTS, copyright Cymon Skinner all rights reserved
ALL RESULTS 20.09. and 22.09.2018
SPONSOR / PARTNERS XII FIP European Polo Championship 2018 + II. FIP Ladies European Polo Championship 2018: