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Film - Movies : Ruben Oestlund, new Cannes Film Festival Jury President kicks off 'wild entertaining' Festival 76th edition

Published by NAANII GLOBAL in Film arts + Movies + TV + Peliculas + Cine · 16/5/2023 21:14:27
Tags: Film;Festivals;RubenOestlung;newDirector;TriangleofSadness75thPalmed'OrCannes2022

ICONIC 36th Cannes Filmfestival 2023:

Ruben Östlund, new Jury President - kick's off a 'wild' 36th edition of the ICONIC Cannes Filmfestival 2023:
He hopes the freshness of his panel (average age of the Jury  44 years - in comirason to the average age of directors in competition 62 years) will ensure a lively, democratic atmosphere. The aim, he said, was for loud, fun deliberations with plenty of room for dissent. “It’s very important that we fight against the idea of consensus. Consensus is the most boring thing. If a jury is looking for the common denominator, there’s a risk that the best film is going to fall through the cracks. So I’m going to encourage people to fight for the films they really believe in. They should trust in their instincts and not be scared of saying something stupid.”

Östlund arrives in Cannes as a two-time winner, having been awarded the Palme d’Or for both 2017’s The Square and last year’s Triangle of Sadness.

Nonetheless he regards himself as a relative newcomer, providing a bridge between the old and new guard of Cannes. The Swedish director began his career shooting skiing videos before branching into film-making with his satires about modern art and the super-rich. Cannes, he admitted, depends on fresh voices like his in order to evolve and survive.

“My goal is to represent a new style of European cinema – to create wild, entertaining movies that at the same time are thought-provoking. I think the fact that I’m part of that new conversation is one of the reasons I was offered the position [of jury president]. So I’m pleased to represent the younger players.”

NG arts TV Interview Ruben Oestlund   ' Triangle of Sadness' presentation  at  FilmFestival 2022:

Fotos: Cannes Filmfest com Team, all rights reserved /  NG fotoArts and NGart TV Interview Productions

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