XI. FIP Polo Worldchampionship 2017, congratulations 1. Argentina-Southamerica, 2. Chile - Southamerica, 3. England-Europe - NAANII GLOBAL Luxury/Quality Family Lifestyle MAGAZINE 'en Vogue' - NAANII GLOBAL Quality & Luxury Family Lifestyle - MAGAZINE 'en Vogue'-

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XI. FIP Polo Worldchampionship 2017, congratulations 1. Argentina-Southamerica, 2. Chile - Southamerica, 3. England-Europe

Published by Naanii Global Team in A-List POLO Lifestyle Tournaments/Torneos · 31/10/2017 05:07:05
Tags: PoloWorldchampion2017ArgentinaXI.FIPSydneyPoloClub

Five time world Polo Champion - ARGENTINA Polo Team -
Tomás María Panelo, Héctor Guerrero, Ignacio Javier Bello, Lucio Fernández Ocampo, Valentín Novillo Astrada, Iván Maldonado, Diego Braun

! Argentina won its 5th title as Polo World Champions this year Sydney 2017 !
- Gold and Silver medall for Southamerica (Argentina, Chile) and the Bronce Medall for  Europe (England) -

The XI. FIP WORLD POLO CHAMPIONSHIP, SYDNEY 2017 has come to an end.  Sydney Polo Club, the organizers, delivered a world-class event on which no detail was left to be improvised, everything was organized to perfection.

After Argentina emerged victorious from a nail-biting final match with Chile, the day closed with a show and the reassurance that Australia and most precisely Sydney, are destinations where you can find the best polo in the world, combined with excellent hosts.

Argentina met  Chile, on 29.Oct 2017, Sydney Polo Club, to fight for the title.
As every final match, certainly both teams had studied their opponents and previous games carefully, to ensure the best tactics in the fight for the World Champions Titel - so the game was pretty much paused and  not abundant in runs - at the beginning goals were mostly penalties, but at the end, the game got mind-wrecking:
during the sixth chukka, where both teams were tied at 5-5, Chile suddenly scored a goal one minute before the bell tolled !
But Argentina was determined to keep on fighting: Lucio Fernandez Ocampo, with a historical run, scored a new goal for his team and took the game again to a tie.
Than the final chukka was quite dramatic: both teams were struggling, and it took a long time to define the match. Chile had more opportunities than Argentina, but the MVP Lucio Fernandez Ocampo again was decided to get his team the victory and scored the golden goal. The final score was 8-7.
Argentina, undefeated, cheered as they celebrated their fifth World Championship title, proving once more, the golden standards that are a trademark of Argentinian Polo.

Polo Team Chile, Sydney 2017 - Silver Medall -
José Zegers, Martin Arrau, Andres Vial Perez, Jose Miguel, Pereira Riesco, María Silva Castelblanco, Ignacio Vial Mazieres, Antonio Eguiguren, Jose Thomas von Unger Orchard

The Match for the third spot, between England and USA:
An exciting match between two very equal teams, meanwhile the USA was on the winning streak until the last chukka, where England got the game to a tie. During the supplementary chukka, England scored the golden goal and won the third spot 6-5 and secured the Bronce Medall of the XI. FIP Polo Worldchampionship 2017 !

Satnam Dhillon, England Polo Team:
“The quality of the horses here in Australia was fantastic; I am amazed at the quality. You never saw horses turning or leaping; it’s brilliant. We are thinking of taking a couple (of the horses) back to England for the high goal.
Obviously, about winning, we just had to keep going: keep pushing, keep fighting, and we did it. This last match was very hard. It’s a tough game; emotions are always high. It gets a bit passionate between us on the pitch, but it is what it is. We got a good lesson in Australia in polo; we were surprised by the fast pitches. We did mess up against New Zealand, but we won a lot of games. We should have been in the finals if we didn’t mess up the game against New Zealand. We played against Chile, and we beat them quite convincingly. It is great to be third, but that wasn't the objective.” -

English Polo Team, - Bronce Medall - Sydney Harbour, XI FIP World Polo Championship - Yacht celebration

This oustanding International Polo Tournament, organized by Peter Higgins owner of the Sydney Polo Club, providing  also oustanding Horses to all participating Polo Teams was set up to entertain Guests and Polo Teams  with lots of Sideevents, celebrations, meetings, Parties and Galadinner over more than 2 weeks - besides the almost daily top level Polo Sports Action.
- such as fashionshows and concerts - horsejumping events - rodeo - different Art Exhibitions for professional Artists,  as well as for emerging talents (school classes)  - lots of attractions and attention to families and kids - a breakfast dedicated to all supporting Sponsors, 'Sponsors thank you breakfast' - a Lunch dedicated to all lended Horses at the Race Track, the 'Horse Lenders Appreciation Lunch' - Opening Gala dinner - welcome parties -  final celebrations and come together at Sydney Harbour and the WPC Yacht - and the Final Celebration Gala Dinner.

Spanish Polo Team at the 'Horse Lenders Appreciation Lunch' - Race Track Sydney
- Jaime Serra Diez, Luis Benjumea Llorente (Director deportivo Real Féderación Española de Polo), Pelayo Berazadi Rózpide, José  Trénor von Löwenstein, Benjamín Araya, Mario Gomez, Antonio Ayesa Guix (not in the foto)

Polo Team Captains at Sponsors Thank You  Breakfast, Sydney Polo Club

Polo Match England vs. Chile

Yacht World Polochampionship Celebration Sydney Harbour

The Federation of International Polo FIP recognized the outstanding organization of the XI. FIP Polo Worldchampionship 2017, Sydney during the Gala Dinner.
The host, Sydney Polo Club and its CEO Peter Higgins and organizer of the Worldchampionship received from australian FIP President Nicholas Colquhoun-Denvers the FIP ambassador award for its outstanding contribution to the Polo Sport.

CEO, XI. FIP Polo Worldchampionchip Sydney - Peter Higgins - and FIP President, Federacion of International Polo, Nicholas Colquhoun-Denvers

India vs. Chile; Spain vs. Argentina; USA vs. Australia

Spanish Polo Team, Sponsor Valecuatro -  New Zealand Polo Team, Indian Polo Team - Australian Polo Team

XI. FIP Polo World Championship 2017, results

Gold Medall
Argentina Polo Team:
Lucio Fernandez Ocampo (MVP), Héctor Guerrero, Valentín Novillo Astrada, Tomás Panelo

Silver Medall
Chile Polo Team:
José Martínez, José Zegers, Andrés Vial, José Pereira

Bronce Medall
England Polo Team:
Ed Banner-Eve, Satnam Dhillon, Henry Porter, Peter Webb

4. Place
USA Polo Team:
Matias Gonzalez, Jesse Bray, Felipe Viana, James Wright

New Zealand

6. Place

7. Place

8. Place

About  12  other countries, all also with fantastic Polo Teams, were not able to qualify in the previous matches for this year  XI. FIP Polo World Championship Sydney 2017, admitting only a selected group of 8 Polo Teams, - see them maybe in the next XII. FIP Polo Worldchampionship 2019.

more images: matches and celebrations, Gala Dinner, Yacht, Sydney Harbour, Lifestyle: https://www.facebook.com/wpcsydney/

more information:  detailed match reports etc.

Fotos: copyright FIP, XI. World Polo Championship 2017,  and Real Féderacion Española de Polo all rights reserved

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